The Coastal Community Empowerment Strategy in Improving The Welfare Of Fishermen in Pegatan Village, Pegatan Hilir Subdistrict, Katingan Regency


  • Syahdi Syahdi Universitas Muhammadiyah palangkaraya
  • M. Nuur Tanja Putra Universitas Muhammadiyah Palangkaraya



Strategy, Empowerment, Welfare


In implementing community empowerment strategies in Pegatan Village, economic disparities, low education levels, and inadequate community welfare remain evident. These challenges stem from limited access to resources, including insufficient accessibility to fishing equipment, inadequate financial support or funding, and price instability of fish catches. These factors contribute to the low and underdeveloped welfare of the fishing community. Therefore, collaboration and coordination between the local government and the coastal community are essential in the process of implementing empowerment strategies in Pegatan Village. Strategies such as providing fishing equipment facilities, conducting skill enhancement programs, and strengthening institutions aim to achieve the goal of empowering the coastal community effectively. This study employs a qualitative method with a descriptive analysis approach, utilizing data collection techniques including observation, interviews, documentation, and triangulation (combining all three techniques). The research was conducted in Pegatan Village, Pegatan Hilir Subdistrict, Katingan Regency, from June to August. The findings reveal that the local government’s programs to implement community empowerment strategies for the fishing community in Pegatan Village have not been well-executed or optimal. This is evidenced by several obstacles, such as limited access to capital and financial facilities for the coastal community, weak coordination among stakeholders, low education levels in the community, and insufficient monitoring and evaluation. It is hoped that the results of this study can provide recommendations for developing more effective policies to enhance the welfare of fishermen in coastal areas.


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How to Cite

Syahdi, S., & Putra , M. N. T. (2024). The Coastal Community Empowerment Strategy in Improving The Welfare Of Fishermen in Pegatan Village, Pegatan Hilir Subdistrict, Katingan Regency. Journal of Public Administration Science: Policy Dynamics Public Services and Bureaucracy Transformation, 1(2), 120–134.