The Implementation of the New Electricity Installation Assistance Program by the Department of Energy and Mineral Resources for Bukit Tunggal Subdistrict, Jekan Raya District
Electrification, New Electricity Installation Assistance (BPBL), Program ImplementationAbstract
Electrification is a crucial element of infrastructure development that significantly contributes to improving the quality of life for communities. However, despite the increasing electrification ratio in Indonesia, there are still areas that have not been fully reached by electricity services, including urban regions. To address this issue, the government, through the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM), launched the New Electricity Installation Assistance Program (BPBL), aimed at providing free electricity access for underprivileged households. This research aims to analyze the implementation of the BPBL program in Bukit Tunggal Subdistrict, Jekan Raya District, Palangka Raya City. This study employs a qualitative descriptive approach, with data collection techniques including interviews, observations, and document analysis. The primary focus of the study includes evaluating program implementation, identifying field constraints, and analyzing its impact on community welfare. The results of the research indicate that the BPBL program in Bukit Tunggal Subdistrict has delivered tangible benefits, such as improved household lighting, easier use of electronic devices, and increased economic productivity within the community. However, the implementation still faces several challenges, including infrastructure limitations, minimal community socialization, and insufficient coordination among stakeholders. The study concludes that although the BPBL program has positively contributed to improving electricity access in Bukit Tunggal Subdistrict, optimizing program execution is necessary to enhance its effectiveness. Recommendations from this research include improving public awareness campaigns, strengthening monitoring and evaluation mechanisms, and enhancing coordination among relevant stakeholders. The findings of this research are expected to serve as valuable input for the development of more inclusive and sustainable electrification policies in the future.
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