The Strategy of the Muhammadiyah Resilience Institution in Palangka Raya City for Flood Disaster Management in Palangka Raya City in 2023
Flood disasters are an annual occurrence in many parts of Indonesia, including Palangka Raya City. The Muhammadiyah Disaster Management Center (MDMC) of Palangka Raya plays a critical role in flood disaster management, focusing on disaster mitigation, preparedness, emergency response, and post-disaster recovery. Through comprehensive planning, volunteer training, partnerships with government and non-governmental organizations, and innovative use of technology, the institution effectively minimizes the impacts of floods and enhances community resilience. The institution also addresses challenges such as limited resources and increasing flood intensity. This study employs a qualitative approach to analyze the strategies used by MDMC Palangka Raya and highlights the importance of community empowerment and cross-sectoral collaboration in strengthening flood response efforts. Moving forward, these strategies must continue to evolve to ensure that Palangka Raya becomes more resilient to future flood disasters.
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