Effectiveness of Open Letter Communication by Journalists as a Social Control Function in Central Kalimantan
Efektivitas Komunikasi Surat Terbuka oleh Jurnalis sebagai Fungsi Pengendalian Sosial di Kalimantan Tengah
Social control, Strategy, Open letterAbstract
Based on Law Number 40 of 1999, chapter 3 paragraph (1) states that the National
Press has the function of being a medium for information, education, entertainment,
and social control. To support the performance of news coverage by a journalist to
obtain information about the desired news, namely news that is good, true, accurate,
factual worthy of dissemination, the goal will be achieved if it is determined by
having a strategy so that the social control function runs effectively. Journalists
need a strategy, one of which is writing an open letter addressed to the government
or the highest official who is the object of the news. The aim is to break the dead end
of social control because so far, according to several reports, the control function is
not working as it should.
To achieve the goal of ensuring that the function of the press as social control is
effective, one of the strategies is through Open Letters. The research method used is
descriptive qualitative, with triangulated data collection, namely observation, and
interview documentation. With the results of research and discussion using the
concept of Harold D Lasswell's theory, communication consists of five elements,
namely communicator, communicant, message, and media effect. Journalists in
carrying out their function of reporting on social control are guided by Law 40 of
1999 concerning the Press and the journalistic code of ethics. To achieve effective
goals, reporting should not only be done once. However, there are times when
authorized officials do not respond. So journalists write readers' letters directly
through the mass media to the targeted officials. In conclusion, the open letter/reader
was carried out by journalists as part of the climax of the non-response to news
about social control by officials. After the news was broadcast several times. Advice
to journalists to write readers' letters when their news doesn't get a response.
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