The Effectiveness of Blended Implementation Learning in Candidate Basic Training Civil Servants in the Agency Resource Development People of Central Kalimantan Province


  • Nina Nina Universitas Muhammadiyah palangkaraya



Effectiveness of Blended, Implementation Learning in Candidate, Basic Training


As the rapid development of Science and Technology, especially in the Millennial Era, this certainly influences the learning methods used in the world of education. Blended Learning with an e-learning approach is increasingly being encouraged to answer the challenges of the accelerating global era through programs that are considered fast, efficient with targets that seem to penetrate time and space. So it is slowly starting to shift the face-to-face method which some groups still consider to be an effective learning process. This article wants to examine how the blended learning method is approached in the learning process for prospective civil servants at the Human Resources Development Agency of Central Kalimantan Province


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How to Cite

Nina, N. (2024). The Effectiveness of Blended Implementation Learning in Candidate Basic Training Civil Servants in the Agency Resource Development People of Central Kalimantan Province. Indonesia Journal of Public Administration and Government, 1(1), 1–8.